Feline lagere urinewegziekten (FLUTD)
Net als volwassen katten zijn kittens van nature nachtdieren. Ze zijn instinctief 's nachts actiever. Deze c...
Hoewel het misschien niet zo gewoon is als "zit" of "blijf", kan het commando "back-up" net zo nuttig zijn. Denk aan al het moment...
Als hondenbezitters zijn er ontelbare keren dat je zou willen dat je lieve hond met je kon praten en je kon vertellen wat ze willen of nodig hebben. Noodzaak om naar het toilet te gaan is geen uitzondering. Hoe graag we ook zouden willen dat ze ons benaderen door te zeggen "excuseer me, ca...
Every dog owner knows what it is like to return home to a pup that has been awaiting their arrival after a long day a...
Wouldn’t it be amazing if your dog knew how to open the door to let themselves outside in the mornings? Guide dogs are t...
It can be like a scene from Jaws. You can imagine the music playing in the background as you walk down the dark hallway, or near furniture where it could be lurking underneath. Just as you think you've made it safely passed, it springs from its hidin...
There is no feeling more frustrating than trying to silence a dog that is barking excessively. Excessive barking can occ...
Human beings express a range of emotions using various physical movements and expressions. As a human, you can show your...
What can you do when there are other cats in your garden - and you don't want them there!
Cats are experts at climbing fences, gates, trees and squeezing through small gaps. Trying to keep your neighbour’s or other uninvited cats out of your garden ...