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Hoe vaak moet u de waterbak van uw hond schoonmaken?

 door danielle op 8 juli 2014 |
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Would you drink from a glass of water that had been sitting outside for a week? Or a cup that hadn’t been washed in a month? Dog bowls need to be kept clean just as much as our bowls, with unwashed bowls becoming a brew of bacteria and other nasties ...

Wat te doen als het gewicht van uw kat niet meer onder controle is

 door jaime op 01 juli 2014 |
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The fat cat is a common image in pop culture. It tells the tale of a rich society that indulges its pets, and its people...

5 redenen waarom uw hond niet eet

 door jaime op 30 jun 2014 |
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Many dog owners are reasonably worried when their canine companion decides to forgo its meals. Loss of appetite in a dog...

Waarom houden katten van kattenkruid?

 door jaime op 29 jun 2014 |
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If you've ever seen a cat go wild as if possessed, then chances are they were probably under the influence of catnip. Catnip is also known as catmint, catwort and field balm - whatever you call it, it has the power to make even the most docile or gru...

Darmwormen bij huisdieren

 door jaime op 29 jun 2014 |
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Dogs and cats are prone to several types of intestinal worms. The most common of these intestinal parasites are roundwor...

4 manieren om uw kat een pil te geven

 door michelle op 28 jun 2014 |
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Administering pills to your cat may be easy for some, but for many it’s a daily struggle. Thankfully, there are several ...

12 manieren om kleine honden te verzorgen

 door jaime op 28 jun 2014 |
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Tiny dogs are becoming increasingly popular particularly among urban city dwellers, people who live in apartments or those who don't have much space. Small dogs are compact, cuddly, transportable, fond of affection and generally more affordable than ...


 door michelle op 27 jun 2014 |
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Just as you might enroll your child in daycare, you can also do the same for your dog. Although the reasons for enrollin...

Een handleiding voor het ruw voeren van uw kat

 door michelle op 27 jun 2014 |
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The Raw Truth   What other felines, besides domesticated cats, consume their prey cooked? Most likely, you're drawing a...

Uw huisdier beschermen tegen teken

 door jaime op 27 jun 2014 |
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Ticks are tiny, blood-sucking parasites that attach to your pet. Ticks feed on the blood of their hosts and can transmit several infectious organisms to your pet. Pets that live in wooded areas are at an increased risk of a tick infestation. Dogs are...
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