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Gefilterd op tag ('gezondheid en welzijn')

Waarom hebben we huisdieren

 door simone op 03 juni 2014 |
2Reactie (s)
There’s no doubt that pets enrich our lives. Science is proving that forming a close bond with an animal makes us happier, reduces stress and improves our overall health and wellbeing. But what are the motivators to having a pet in the first place, o...


 door simone op 30 mei 2014 |
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Heartworm disease is the leading cause of death in dogs so preventing it is at the top of the priority list for any dog...

對於 貓

 door wai op 28 mei 2014 |
3Reactie (s)
Revolution vs Advantage? Frontline or Heartgard? How do these flea, tick, heartworm and intestinal worm treatment produc...

De bijwerkingen van Advantix-parasietbehandeling

 door simone op 23 mei 2014 |
16Reactie (s)
Everyone knows the annoyance and distress that fleas cause our canine friends, and the danger of paralysis or death that ticks can lead to. Parasites such as fleas, mosquitoes, lice, sand flies, biting flies and ticks spread disease when they bite an...

8 menselijk voedsel dat gevaarlijk is voor katten

 door jaime op 15 mei 2014 |
3Reactie (s)
Image credit While you might think it's harmless to slip your cat a little piece of your dinner or to feed them some of ...

De bijwerkingen van Heartgard Plus Worming Treatment

 door simone op 13 mei 2014 |
19Reactie (s)
Image credit The old adage that prevention is better than a cure is never more true, or more important, than with your ...

Heeft uw huisdier Vitiligo?

 door danielle op 12 mei 2014 |
2Reactie (s)
Image credit Vitiligo is a rare condition that results in unusual coat patterns in dogs. Affected dogs display white splattering or overall fading of an otherwise dark coat. Whilst it is classified as a ‘disease’ it is not a life-threatening condi...

Hoe kunt u uw hond medicijnen laten nemen

 door jaime op 11 mei 2014 |
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Image credit There have been amazing advances in the field of veterinary medicine, including many new medications to tre...

De bijwerkingen van Advantage Flea Treatment

 door simone op 07 mei 2014 |
57Reactie (s)
Image credit It’s true, honestly Jon Snow you can not stop your beloved pets from fleas and lice simply by wrapping them...

4 Te vermijden ingrediënten bij het winkelen voor hondenvoer

 door jaime op 06 mei 2014 |
8Reactie (s)
The popular phrase "you are what you eat" applies to dogs as much as it does to humans. Your pet gets much-needed nutrients from dog food, but the wrong additives and other components can lead to health problems. Here is a look at four ingredients to...
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