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Wat te doen als uw kat stopt met het gebruik van de kattenbak

 door jaime op 30 jun 2014 |
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Litter box problems can cause even the most dedicated cat owner to rethink their pet of choice. Cats are clean and fastidious by nature, so it can be perplexing when they suddenly start urinating and defecating outside of the litter box. There are some obvious things to look out for – like making sure the litter boxes are scooped and cleaned on a regular basis – but there are also some subtler things that could be causing the problem.

One of the most important things to do is to rule out any health problems. There are a number of issues that can cause a cat to stop using the litter box, and some of them can be quite serious. Male cats in particular are prone to urinary tract infections that make urination difficult and painful. Male cats can also suffer from blockages – and these blockages can be life-threatening.

The first thing cat owners should do is schedule a comprehensive exam for their pets. A veterinary exam may reveal some underlying health issues that are causing the cat to not use the litter box. If that is the case, the cat should resume is previous litter box habits as soon as the underlying health issue is resolved.
The location of the litter box can present problems and cause the cat to stop using it. Many cats are reluctant to use the litter box if it is in a high traffic area of the home. Others may be disturbed by scents and odors in the area. Keep in mind that cats have a far better sense of smell than humans do and can detect subtle odors their human caretakers may not notice. Sometimes moving the litter box to a quieter part of the house is all it takes to resolve problems with inappropriate elimination. Try setting up the litter box in a quiet part of the home – away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Be sure to show your cat the new location and give them time to get comfortable with the new surroundings.

Sommige katten zullen bezwaar maken tegen een bepaald type strooisel of tegen een wijziging in de samenstelling van het strooisel. Als je onlangs van kattenbakvulling hebt veranderd, probeer dan een paar weken terug te gaan naar het oude merk om te zien of dat het probleem oplost. Als je altijd al hetzelfde strooisel gebruikt, zoek dan naar subtiele veranderingen in textuur en kleur die je kat kunnen afschrikken. Zwerfafvalfabrikanten passen hun formuleringen vaak aan om ze kosteneffectiever te maken - deze veranderingen kunnen het strooisel minder aantrekkelijk maken voor uw kat. Als het type zwerfvuil de boosdoener is, kan het enige tijd duren en experimenteren om een betere pasvorm te vinden.

Litter box problems can be difficult to deal with, but it is important to be persistent. Since a number of things can cause cats to suddenly stop using the litter box, the best solution is to work through each of those possibilities one by one. Once you find the source of the problem, you can restore the peace in your home and start enjoying your cat again.

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