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Tekenen dat uw hond zijn gezichtsvermogen verliest

 door lucy op 27 okt 2017 |
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Dogs have an exceptional sense of smell, but when it comes to their eyesight, they don’t see 20/20. In fact, our canine companions operate at around 20/75 vision, and that number tends to decline with age. No matter how old your dog is, however, visi...

Chronisch nierfalen bij honden: symptomen en manieren om ermee om te gaan

 door lucy op 26 sep 2017 |
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You dog’s kidneys regulate his blood pressure, sugar levels and volume along with the water composition of his body, his...

Waarom verliest mijn hond zijn haar?

 door lucy op 21 sep 2017 |
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Haaruitval is een veelvoorkomend probleem bij honden en kan de huid van uw huisdier aantasten, evenals zijn endocriene, lymfatische en immuunsys...

Sieraden voor huisdieren

 door lucy op 07 sep 2017 |
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Human beings have been wearing jewelry for over 100,000 years – much longer than we've kept domestic cats and dogs (70,000 years and 14,000 years respectively). We wear jewelry for all kinds of functions, from displaying social status to religious co...

Je kat leren zijn reismand leuk te vinden

 door lucy op 24 aug 2017 |
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Most cats only see a cat carrier when it’s time to go somewhere new: the veterinarian’s office, a new home or a boarding...

Hoe te voorkomen dat katten je voeten aanvallen

 door lucy op 18 aug 2017 |
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Als we rondslenteren op teenslippers of schoenen met stuiterende veters, kunnen onze voeten er heel erg uitzien als een prooi voor katten...

Zes manieren om een angstige hond te kalmeren

 door lucy op 15 aug 2017 |
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Just like people, dogs can suffer from anxiety disorders. Whether he’s afraid of social situations, suffers from separation anxiety or is simply a nervous pet, there are several techniques to help calm Fido’s fears:   1- Crates are considered controv...

Waarom honden hun poten optillen om te plassen

 door lucy op 15 aug 2017 |
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Dogs are territorial by nature and nothing says, “I’m here,” like marking a tree, fire hydrant or fence post with their ...

Waarom honden graag likken?

 door lucy op 28 jul 2017 |
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It can seem like a nuisance, but to our canine companions, licking you is most often a sign of affection. While it is a ...

Vegetarische en veganistische huisdieren

 door lucy op 26 jul 2017 |
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Approximately 7.3 million people living in the USA alone are vegetarian and the popularity of a plant-based diet and lifestyle is increasing – understandably, this means some people want to feed their pets a vegetarian or vegan diet, too. People deci...
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