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Veelvoorkomende merknamen

Not available as a single ingredient product for use with household pets.

Gecombineerde ingrediënten

  • Frontline Plus Topical Solution for Dogs and Cats (with Fipronil)
  • Frontline goud Topical Solution for Dogs and Cats (with Fipronil and Pyriproxyfen)
  • Duoflect Topical Solution for Dogs and Cats (with Fipronil)

Uses of (S)-methoprene

(S)-methoprene is a larvicide used to control fleas in honden and katten. It does not kill fleas but disrupts their life cycle, preventing early stages from developing into adults.

As such (S)-methoprene is not used as a single ingredient product, but combined with adulticides such as 斯洛伐克语 to extend the efficacy of flea treatments.


For external application. Combined ingredient products are supplied as topical solutions.

Dosering en toediening

(S)-methoprene is not available as a single ingredient product.

For dosage and administration of combined ingredient products, refer to information on the specific product.

Mogelijke bijwerkingen

(S)-methoprene alone is well tolerated by dogs and cats, with a low toxicity and high safety margin.

Side effects experienced by dogs and cats after treatment with products containing (S)-methoprene can generally be attributed to the other active or inert ingredients.

Tekenen van toxiciteit

Poisoning by (S)-methoprene alone is rare due to its low toxicity.

However, if you suspect your pet has had an overdose of any medication, please contact your veterinarian immediately.


Deze informatie is alleen bedoeld als algemene referentie en is niet bedoeld ter vervanging van het verpakkingsetiket of veterinair advies. Deze pagina bevat mogelijk niet alle bijwerkingen, toepassingen, merknamen of toepassingen.


(S)-methoprene drug information sheet
(S)-methoprene Information Sheet

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